Useless Text Selections:

Open letter to the RIAA

One night (well, actually it was well into the morning, but it was night for me) I was about ready to go to bed, but I was reading some online articles pertaining to the RIAA, lawsuits, and the like. You know, the same crap that has been going on for the past few years now. Anyway, I was disgusted with most of what I was reading, which generally is the case when I read about such a topic. But since I was tired, I was apparently feeling especially vindictive. I didn't really realize it until I was about finished with the thing. I began writing this at 6:33 AM on 12/20/2003, and completed at 7:06 AM on 12/20/2003 (written in notepad and I use the timestamps). This was not a premeditated rant, this is exactly as I initially typed it. I must admit that I am rather proud of the final result. I hope you enjoy it.

Stupid RIAA

I hate the RIAA. It is the music industry version of all the things I am against. Gluttony, monopoly, forced sales, and anti-artistry. The music industry has been anally raping bands and musicians for years. While the artist with vision, talent, and ability is out busting his hump to meet contracts and deadlines, the industry snobs cash in and smoke cigars and drive BMWs. Off of the artists profits. The fact that until recently an artist had to deal with such nonsensical garbage was just the way it was. There weren't any other options for fame and success. But now there are, and the industry is threatened. They are fighting back in much the same way a spoiled little child fights back when you take their toy away. A hissy fit of yelling, screaming, and fighting. It translates to verbally threatening, disowning and suing legions of music fans and artists; the very bread and butter of said organization. Talk about backstabbing. They are so spoiled and are so blind (much like the spoiled baby who can't see because of the tears in it's eyes), they don't realize how much they are knocking down the very walls that support their very existence. It will be funny for the true artists and true fans to laugh at the very ruins of the evil monster they created. Bastards.

And if they were making any effort to promote decent music, their presence in the big picture may even be slightly justified, even if outrageous. But they don't even have the decency to do that. They have overstepped the boundaries of how bad the music must stink and have the brainwashed mass of music purveyors who normally fall right into their preset groove beginning to stand up and take notice. Talk about rock bottom. When a fan of something like Britney Spears (or the new Metallica......*shudder*) can realize the business is that screwed up, you know it's gotta be pretty fucking bad. Yes, I don't have a record contract, No, I don't make any money from my music, and ironically enough, no, I do not have some spoiled ass white bread talent lacking ego maniacal lazy ass fuck who wouldn't give two shits about me if I wasn't making them profit telling me how I want my music to sound, and more to the point, I'm happy with my music.

Don't like me downloading songs? Well then fuck, put 15 GOOD fucking songs on one album and I'd consider it. A single and 70 minutes of filler does not a 20 dollar CD make. Hell, more importantly I'd buy them if I could hand the money to the artists and not the businesses. Hey motherfucker, how would you like it if some "hooligan" took your BMW and racked up 95,000 miles on it in between trips to the Big and Tall shop? How about if he also used 1400 of your 1500 minutes of your cell phone air time? How about if he moved into your house and restricted access to everything but the bathroom and the fucking broom closet? Sounds unfair doesn't it? It almost sounds like crime. Theft. You wouldn't put yourself, or your loved ones through it, but to put a talented artist through that is "business", so that is ok.

So in conclusion.....FUCK YOU RIAA. Oh, and go ahead and try to sue me. I get a kick out of watching a drowning man flay and gasp for air. You may as well try to sue every band and artist for making music in the first place. Because if it weren't for them making the songs, then there would be no issues of downloading them. But that would be cruel. Or at least more cruel than suing a 12 year old girl for wanting to hear a song or two. So maybe don't go that extreme. Instead sue the company that would take these works of art and make them available to the public for public and private use. Because if they weren't made available, then they wouldn't be "stolen". So sue them. Oh, wait...YOU did that. So go ahead and sue yourselves. That sounds a little mean, so maybe you shouldn't sue. Do something a little nicer. Like fucking. Fucking is nice. So go fuck yourselves.

Oh, and I'll be sure to make it down to visit the ashes of the remnants of your pitiful existence. Because someone will have to piss on them to put the fucking fire out.

Questions? Comments? Offended? Amused? Want to tell me? Then, email me.